
1st International Digital Congress on 3D Biofabrication and Bioprinting (3DBB)

1st International Digital Congress on 3D Biofabrication and Bioprinting (3DBB)
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1st International Digital Congress on 3D Biofabrication and Bioprinting (3DBB)

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General Announcement

General Announcement

About 1st 3DBB

The 1st International Digital Congress on 3D Biofabrication and Bioprinting (3DBB) is an event organized by the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology from the University of Araraquara (Uniara), which will take place online and free of charge, from 26 to 28th August 2020.

Due to the pandemic we are facing, 3DBB will be carried out digitally.

The theme of the congress is Biofabrication / Bioprinting 3D, in general, open to all topics related to regenerative medicine and tissue engineering in an automated way.

The congress is aimed at graduate and undergraduate students, academics (professors and researchers), as well as the industry for Brazilian and non-Brazilians participants.

The event organized by the University of Araraquara (Uniara) offers to participants lectures by important world names in the biofabrication of institutions such as CTI Renato Archer, Unicamp, UFRJ, UFRGS, Embrapa, as well as the Wake Forest Medical School, the University of Manchester, Maastricht University, Vienna Technological University, Simón Bolívar University, and 3D Bioprinting Solutions.

There are also 2 minicourses, 1 panel debate among entrepreneurs in the bioprinting field, as well as the submission and presentation of works, as well as a special digital panel dedicated to developers of 3D printing solutions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Welcome to the 1st 3DBB!
Rodrigo A. Rezende, PhD


3DBB Scientific Thematic Areas

  1. Biofabrication and bioprinting (in general);
  2. Devices and processes: bioprinters, bioreactors, scanners, 2PP, electrospinning, microfluidics;
  3. Digital / Information Technology: software, hardware, design, modelling, programming, medical imaging, simulations, organ-on-a-chip, Big Data, etc.;
  4. Biomaterials: hydrogels, bioinks, cells, spheroids, organoids, polymers, ceramics, composites, properties and characterizations, functionalization;
  5. Cell cultures: validation, cell viability, maturation, in vitro tests, in vivo tests, implantation, therapies;
  6. Clinical and industrial applications (companies, start-up, spin-off);
  7. Other topics.



Organizing committee

  • Congress Chair: Dr. Rodrigo Alvarenga Rezende (Uniara)
  • Co-Chair: Dr. André Capaldo Amaral (Uniara)
  • Co-Chair: Dr. Hernane da Silva Barud (Uniara)


Scientific Committee

  1. General
    • Vladimir Mironov, PhD (3DB Solutions)
  2. Devices and Processes
    • Rodrigo Rezende, PhD (Uniara)
  3. Digital / Information Technology
    • Jorge Silva, PhD (CTI Renato Archer)
  4. Biomaterials
    • Hernane Barud, PhD (Uniara)
  5. Cell Cultures
    • Mônica Iemma, PhD (Uniara)
  6. Clinical and Industrial Applications
    • André Capaldo Amaral, PhD (Uniara)
  7. Other topics
    • Lonetá Lima, PhD (CTI Renato Archer)


  • Alecsandra Ferreira Tomaz, PhD (UEPB, Brazil)
  • Aleks Ovsianikov, PhD (TUV, Austria)
  • Alessandra Dametto, PhD (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Amanda Amorin (CTI, Brazil)
  • André Jardini, PhD (Unicamp, Brazil)
  • Ângela Luzo, PhD (Unicamp, Brazil)
  • Antônio C. Massabni, PhD (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Bruna Manzini, PhD (CTI, Brazil)
  • Daniela Steffens, PhD (UCS, Brazil)
  • Eliane Trovatti, PhD (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Flávia Resende, PhD (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Gislaine Leonardi, PhD (Unicamp, Brazil)
  • Guilherme Longhitano, PhD (CTI, Brazil)
  • Henrique Amorim, PhD (IPLeiria, Portugal)
  • Jeffrey Leon, PhD (EAN, Colômbia)
  • João Emídio, PhD (Certbio-UFCG, Brazil)
  • José Luis Dávila, PhD (CTI, Brazil)
  • Júlia Adami Nogueira, MSc (CTI, Brazil)
  • Juliana Daguano, PhD (UFABC, Brazil)
  • Laís Pellizer Gabriel, PhD (Unicamp, Brazil)
  • Laura Sperling, PhD (UFRGS, Brazil)
  • Lucas N. Trevizan, MSc (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Luís H. Montrezor, PhD (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Marcele Fonseca, PhD (UFPA, Brazil)
  • Marcos Akira, PhD (Unicamp, Brazil)
  • Marcos Sabino, PhD (USB, Venezuela)
  • Marlise Santos, PhD (Space Pharmacy, InnovaSpace UK)
  • Mayté Paredes Zaldivar, PhD (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Mônica Duailibi, PhD (Unifesp, Brazil)
  • Monize Decarli, MSc. (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
  • Muhammad Ali, PhD (Pieas, Pakistan)
  • Natasha Maurmann, PhD (UFRGS, Brazil)
  • Paulo Amorim, MSc (CTI, Brazil)
  • Paulo Inforçatti, MSc (CTI, Brazil)
  • Pedro Noritomi, PhD (CTI, Brazil)
  • Rubens Maciel Filho, PhD (Unicamp, Brazil)
  • Sayuri Amaral, PhD (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Sílvio Duailibi, PhD (Unifesp, Brazil)
  • Thiago Moraes, MSc (CTI, Brazil)
  • Viktor Cardenas, PhD (Unifesp, Brazil)
  • Wilton Rogério Lustri, PhD (Uniara, Brazil)
  • Wladymyr Sousa, PhD (UFCG, Brazil)


Technical support

  • Sandra Pavanelli
  • Samuel Gatti
  • Juliano Marcello
  • Celso Andretta Junior
  • Carolina Marques Dea
  • Rafael Lopes
  • Otávio Amorim
  • Thatiany Mariano
  • Paulo Cardozo
  • Paula Santos


Rodrigo Rezende

Rodrigo Rezende, PhD (opening)
University of Araraquara (Uniara), Brazil

The following cast is scheduled for 3DBB:


Ana Millás

Ana Millás, PhD
3D Biotechnology Solutions, Brazil
Lecture: From Customized 3D Bioprinters to Tissue Reconstruction

Ângela Moraes

Ângela Moraes, PhD
University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil
Lecture: Polysaccharides in tissue engineering, biofabrication an bioprinting: when and why to use

Denise Mandt

Denise Mandt, PhD
UpNano, Austria
Lecture: Whether micro or meso, UpNano!

James Yoo

James Yoo, PhD (ISBF President)
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), NC, USA

Jorge Silva

Jorge Silva, PhD
Renato Archer Information Technology Center (CTI), Brazil
Lecture: The health revolution promoted by 3D technologies

Leandra Baptista

Leandra Baptista, PhD
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil
Lecture: 3D Cell Culture: past, present and future

Lorenzo Moroni

Lorenzo Moroni, PhD
Maastricht University, Netherlands
Lecture: Biofabrication for regenerative medicine applications: from acellular instructive scaffolds to bioprinted tissues

Luciano Paulino da Silva

Luciano Paulino da Silva, PhD
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), Brazil
Lecture: 3D/4D NanoBioFabrication: from bioresources to advanced smart nanomaterials applied to functional bioconstructs

Marcos Sabino

Marcos Sabino, PhD
Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela
Lecture: Hydrogels and their potential for use in the development of Bio-Inks

Patrícia Pranke

Patrícia Pranke, PhD
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil
Lecture: 3D scaffolds produced by nanotechnology for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine proposals

Paulo Bártolo

Paulo Bártolo, PhD
Manchester University, England

Vladimir Mironov

Vladimir Mironov, PhD
3D Bioprinting Solutions, Russia
Lecture: New trends in bioprinting


Registration is mandatory for participation in the event.

To record attendance at activities, access to transmissions must be made from our follow-up environment.


Sign up to access

3DBB presents the following program:

  • 12 Lectures (national and international)
  • 2 minicourses
  • 1 entrepreneurship panel (live)
  • 1 video panel (COVID-19 digital gallery)
  • Submission and presentation of works (live)

Activities will happen according to the official Brazilian time (GMT -03:00).


Wednesday (August 26th)

Time Lecture Speaker
8:30 a.m. Official Opening Dr. Rodrigo Rezende (Uniara, Brazil)
9 a.m. ISBF´s Keynote Speaker: Bioprinting for biomedical applications Dr. James Yoo, ISBF President (WFIRM, USA)
10 a.m. Polysaccharides in tissue engineering, biofabrication an bioprinting: when and why to use Dr. Ângela Moraes (Unicamp, Brazil)
11 a.m. Whether micro or meso, UpNano! Dr. Denise Mandt (Austria)
12 p.m. Lunch Break / COVID-19 Gallery  
2 p.m. Work presentations and COVID-19 Video Panel  


Thursday (August 27th)

Time Lecture Speaker
8 a.m. 3D Cell Culture: past, present and future Dr. Leandra Baptista (UFRJ, Brazil)
9 a.m. Keynote 1: Biofabrication for regenerative medicine applications: from acellular instructive scaffolds to bioprinted tissues Dr. Lorenzo Moroni (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
10 a.m. Hydrogels and their potential for use in the development of Bio-Inks Dr. Marcos Sabino (Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela)
11 a.m. The health revolution promoted by 3D technologies Dr. Jorge Silva (CTI, Brazil)
12 p.m. Lunch Break  
1 p.m. Minicourses:
"3D design for bioprinting"
5 p.m. Work presentations and COVID-19 Video Panel  


Friday (August 28th)

Time Lecture Speaker
8 a.m. 3D scaffolds produced by nanotechnology for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine proposals Dr. Patrícia Pranke (UFRGS, Brazil)
9 a.m. Keynote 2 Additive Manufacturing in Tissue Engineering Dr. Paulo Bártolo (Manchester University, UK)
10 a.m. 3D/4D NanoBioFabrication: from bioresources to advanced smart nanomaterials applied to functional bioconstructs Dr. Luciano Paulino (Embrapa, Brazil)
11 a.m. From customized 3D bioprinters to tissue reconstruction Dr. Ana Millás (3DBS, Brazil)
12 p.m. Lunch Break / COVID-19 Gallery  
2 p.m. Discussion Panel: 3DBS, BioEdTech, Eva Scientific, HP do Brasil  
4 p.m. Keynote 3: New trends in bioprinting Canceled ** Dr. Vladimir Mironov (3D Bioprinting Solutions, Russia)
4 p.m. Resubmission Hydrogels and their potential for use in the development of Bio-Inks Dr. Marcos Sabino (Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela)
5 p.m. Closing Ceremony  

*Program subjected to change

**By personal and technical issues, unfortunately Dr. Vladimir Mironov´s lecture will not happen this time. As replacement, Prof. Dr. Marcos Sabino´s yesterday presentation will be represented at 4pm.


To take part in all lectures and panels, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT.


  • 3DBB Congress held from 26 to 28 August 2020
  • Registration starts on July 20th
  • Abstract submission extended until August 17th (NEW!)
  • Abstract evaluation from August 14th to 18th
  • Release of approved abstracts on August 17th to 21th
  • Electronic certificates from September 2nd on


Template for Preparing Slides



  1. The approved abstracts will be presented in virtual rooms on August 26 and 27, respectively, from 2 pm to 5 pm and from 5 pm to 7 pm. The schedule will be informed shortly.
  2. The presenter will receive a link in his email to access his virtual room. Be aware !
  3. The presenter must access the room 5 minutes before the start of the session (Attention to the beginning of your session!).
  4. When you are already inside the virtual room, please keep the presentation open on your own equipment so that, when it is your turn to present, you can quickly share your slides without causing delays to the planned agenda.
  5. The duration of the presentation is 5 minutes, and the judging committee will have 3 more minutes for questions. Your slides must be prepared according to the template (maximum 5-6 slides).
  6. The 3 (three) best papers in each of the following categories will be awarded: undergraduate, master´s, doctoral and postdoctoral degrees, who will receive a certificate of honorable mention from the organization of the event.
  7. In addition, the best works will be invited to participate in a special edition of the International Journal of Advances in Medical Biotechnology (IJAMB), with the publication of the complete work.
  8. The event cannot be held responsible in case of technical problems (internet connection) of the participant.


Work-Presentation Sessions

The approved abstracts will be conducted to the 3-minutes oral presentation sessions according to the thematic area chosen by the author or readjusted by the evaluation committee.

Virtual rooms will be created, which will be previously informed to the authors by sending the link for access.

The authors must design their presentation to the evaluators and make the presentation according to the instructions and template that will be made available here soon.

The slides must be in English and can be presented in Portuguese or English, at the prior choice of the responsible author.



All approved abstracts will be published in a special edition of the International Journal of Advances in Medical Biotechnology (IJAMB).

The works will be evaluated by the commission and classified by the "summary + presentation" set. The authors of the best works will be invited to submit a complete work to a next edition of IJAMB.



Certificates will be awarded to those who attend at least 75% of the event, as well as speakers and those who fully attend the minicourses.

Authors of submitted and presented papers will receive certificates.

Discussion Panel

Entrepreneurship Panel

The entrepreneurship framework will be a digital live debate, with two moderators (Dr. Hernane Barud and Dr. Rodrigo Rezende, Uniara) and 3-4 companies in the biofabrication area for a conversation about the current moment of bioprinting, post-pandemic resumption and perspectives.

Participating companies: HP do Brasil, BioEdTech, Eva Scientific and 3D Biotechnology Solutions (3DBS).

COVID-19 Panel

The COVID-19 Panel is a digital showcase deservedly reserved in 3DBB to expose the contributions of Brazilian or foreign citizens in combating the pandemic experienced worldwide. These actors can be researchers, scientists or even volunteers.

Unremitting work has been seen in all parts of our country with the manufacture, for example, of devices and instruments to assist health professionals or unguarded people to face the coronavirus. They can be facial protectors, adapted masks, intubation booths or any other solution, especially those involving 3D printing, but not limited to this.

Click on the button below and watch the videos of our COVID-19 panel:

Watch now


Minicourse 1 - Design 3D for Bioprinting

Brief description: Rhinoceros is a 3D modeling software, used mainly in the construction of surfaces. Due to these tools, it allows the construction of complex structures, such as organic structures. It allows the construction of these surfaces by overlaying an image or even mesh from medical images such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Therefore, the goal of this course is to present the software, the basic tools and essential tools to work on the construction of these surfaces. For example, I will demonstrate the reconstruction of a section of arteries connected to the heart from an MRI scan.

Júlia Adami Nogueira

Master: MSc. Júlia Adami Nogueira
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and master in Mechanical Engineering from the same institution. She works as a researcher at the Renato Archer Information Technology Center (CTI) in the development of projects in the areas of biofabrication and bioengineering. She is also currently a member of the research group NUT3D of Uniara.

Instructions to software installation:


Minicourse 2 - InVesalius: Open Software for Reconstruction of Medical Images

Brief description: In this minicourse, the free medical imaging software InVesalius and its resources will be presented. Tools that have applications in biofabrication will be explored, such as image segmentation using the threshold, watershed, region growth and manual editing techniques. The tools for importing and exporting images, volumetric visualization and measurements will also be presented. In each topic, a brief theoretical description will be presented, followed by practical examples.

Paulo Henrique Junqueira Amorim

Master: MSc. Paulo Henrique Junqueira Amorim
Paulo Henrique Junqueira Amorim holds a bachelor´s degree in Computer Science from Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo - UNISAL, and a master´s degree in Computer Science from the Institute of Computing at the State University of Campinas - Unicamp. He has been working on the development of free software InVesalius since 2007 at the Renato Archer Information Technology Center. His research areas are image processing, computer graphics and artificial intelligence applied to medical images.

Thiago de Franco Moraes

Master: MSc. Thiago de Franco Moraes
Thiago de Franco Moraes is the developer of the medical imaging software InVesalius. Researcher at CTI Renato Archer and Master in Computer Science at the State University of Campinas - Unicamp. His areas of interest are computer graphics, image processing, distributed systems, medical images, computational geometry and free software.

Instructions to software installation (Mac):

Instructions to software installation (Windows):


YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel
Biotecnologia Uniara



Reach us via e-mail rarezende@uniara.edu.br or telephone +55 16 3301-7348


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